If you are involved in prospecting then you will already know the challenges of persuading a prospect to give you the business. Ultimately, there is a four-step process involved in buying, that all of us follow:
1. We have to feel motivated to make a purchase, irrespective of its type or size.
2. At some point after we have become motivated to want to buy, we make a decision to buy.
3. Then, after we have made a decision, we want to feel convinced that our decision is the right one and at this stage we may seek approval and input from other people.
Then we will make our purchase.
4. Finally, after making our purchase we seek reassurance. Interestingly, if sales people have not nurtured newly acquired customers, this can result in ‘Buyers Remorse’ and the customer will get ‘cold feet’ and cancel their order.
Every step of this process requires careful handling, yet if the sales person lacks the ability to motivate their prospect to talk to them, let alone buy from them, the other steps become redundant.
According to a growing number of International Sales Gurus; including Neil Rackham, David Sandler and Anthony Robbins, people are fundamentally motivated in two main ways:
1. What problem or pain they can avoid and move away from.
2. What pleasure or benefit they can move towards.
Imagine your alarm going off in the morning and you realise that you have to get out of bed. It is just too warm and comfortable where you are, so you give yourself another five minutes. Then, after this time, you decide to lie in for another few minutes until you suddenly get a picture in your mind of your angry boss! The consequences of being late for your meeting with him, scares you into jumping out of bed.
Alternatively, imagine your alarm going off on the first morning of your holiday. The prospect of sun, sea and Sangria fills you with excitement as you jump out of bed to start your two-week vacation.
If a prospect feels content with their current supplier or their current situation, then it will be a huge challenge to motivate them to want to buy your product or service. That is why every pain your prospect feels is an opportunity for you.
Your task, during the initial fact-finding stage is to uncover their ‘pain’ and help them to dwell on their problems. The stronger the pain or the bigger their problem, the greater their motivation will be to move away from it.
If you can convince prospects that your organisation can reduce one or more of their ‘pains’, then you will have suddenly discovered a powerful way to unleash their motivation to buy from you.
1. We have to feel motivated to make a purchase, irrespective of its type or size.
2. At some point after we have become motivated to want to buy, we make a decision to buy.
3. Then, after we have made a decision, we want to feel convinced that our decision is the right one and at this stage we may seek approval and input from other people.
Then we will make our purchase.
4. Finally, after making our purchase we seek reassurance. Interestingly, if sales people have not nurtured newly acquired customers, this can result in ‘Buyers Remorse’ and the customer will get ‘cold feet’ and cancel their order.
Every step of this process requires careful handling, yet if the sales person lacks the ability to motivate their prospect to talk to them, let alone buy from them, the other steps become redundant.
According to a growing number of International Sales Gurus; including Neil Rackham, David Sandler and Anthony Robbins, people are fundamentally motivated in two main ways:
1. What problem or pain they can avoid and move away from.
2. What pleasure or benefit they can move towards.
Imagine your alarm going off in the morning and you realise that you have to get out of bed. It is just too warm and comfortable where you are, so you give yourself another five minutes. Then, after this time, you decide to lie in for another few minutes until you suddenly get a picture in your mind of your angry boss! The consequences of being late for your meeting with him, scares you into jumping out of bed.
Alternatively, imagine your alarm going off on the first morning of your holiday. The prospect of sun, sea and Sangria fills you with excitement as you jump out of bed to start your two-week vacation.
If a prospect feels content with their current supplier or their current situation, then it will be a huge challenge to motivate them to want to buy your product or service. That is why every pain your prospect feels is an opportunity for you.
Your task, during the initial fact-finding stage is to uncover their ‘pain’ and help them to dwell on their problems. The stronger the pain or the bigger their problem, the greater their motivation will be to move away from it.
If you can convince prospects that your organisation can reduce one or more of their ‘pains’, then you will have suddenly discovered a powerful way to unleash their motivation to buy from you.
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